Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dying to Meet You

Dying To Meet You, written by Kate Klise, is a Bluebonnet Nominee. It's an interesting book written in the style of letters and newspaper clippings. It also includes drawings. Ignatius B. Grumply is the main character in the book. He has gone to go live in a mansion because he has writers block and he hopes he gets inspired. But to his surprise the mansion already has occupants. Seymour, an eleven year old boy lives there with his cat and Olive, a ghost. Together they are not about to give up their mansion to no one, especially Grumply, but in the end they all learn to live happily ever after. Iggy comes around and learns to love again and makes a family with the boy, his cat, and even Olive. I really didn't like this book. I didn't care for all the letter writing, but it was something different to read. It was also a quick read.

Klise, Kate (2009). Dying to Meet You. New York: Harcourt.

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