Saturday, October 2, 2010

Beezus and Ramona

Ramona is one of a kind and Beezus just doesn't know what to do with her sometimes. Beezus hates that Ramona gets all the attention. Anyone who has a little sister can relate to these books. Beezus has mixed emotions about her sister throughout the book. There relationship is tested time and time again. Beezus Quimby feels her 4 year old sister is a pain, embarrassing and most of all, annoying. Beezus hates having to pay for her sisters misdoings, like writing her name in the library book that Beezus checked out. Now she has to pay for it. Even though Ramona was an annoying little sister, Beezus sometimes feels guilty of how she treats her. But she wishes that her sister understood how to behave better. This book shows how sisters fight and get on each others nerves, but in the end they do really love each other. a cute movie was made this year from this book. I expect more to come.

Clearly, Beverly (1990). Beezus and Ramona. New York: Harper Collins.

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