I am not a "series" reader, but when the insanity of The Twilight series came out I jumped on the bandwagon. Shame on me! I also don't like stories about vampires, but I feel in LOVE with Edward. I am an Edward fan. Shame on me again! The story started a little slow for me and it took me awhile to like it, but by the middle of the book I loved it. It's obvious that it's Edward who will win Bellas's heart in the end, but Jacob is needed to stir up some interesting trouble. I have yet to read the fourth book, but from the first three that I have read, Twilight is my favorite. The book had plenty of action that was easy to visualize because the Meyers did an amazing job of describing it. The chemistry she created between Bella and Edward was sizzling. I love how Edwards family just loves Bella, well almost everyone, and how secure she feels around Edward.
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